*The Model 5120 is an Automatic Mains Failure Module which has been designed to allow the OEM to meet demand
For increased capability within the generator industry.
*The module has been primarily designed to monitor the incoming mains supply.
*Should the mains supply fall below a configurable limit, the generator will be automatically started and the load
*When the AC mains supply returns to within limits, the module will then transfer back to the mains.
*The module indicates the operational status of the generator and monitors the engine parameters.
*Should a fault condition occur, the module will shut down the engine indicating any faults by means of a graphical LCD
Display and a flashing LED on the front panel.
*Selected operational timers and alarms can be adjusted by the customer.
*Micro-processor based design. Integral mains failure monitoring and load switching control.
*Automatic engine starting and stopping.
*Automatic shutdown on fault condition.
*Custom graphical icon display.
*Provides engine and generator instrumentation.
*Provides engine alarms and status information.
*Comprehensive list of timers and pre-configured sequences.
*Front panel and PC configurable inputs, outputs, alarms and timers.
*LED and LCD alarm indication.